Lunch & Learn w/ Jennifer Wilson: Intro to Scrivener Tool for Writers

Most writers have their favourite habits and tools, but every so often a piece of software comes along that transforms the way we work. Scrivener is one of those tools. Whether you’re still using Word to draft your manuscript, have been curious about trying Scrivener or have bought it but aren’t sure how to use it, this workshop is for you. Join Jennifer as she walks you through the basic functionality of this powerful software, demonstrating how to leverage its unique features to give you more flexibility and unleash your creativity. Plotters and pantsers alike are welcome


Most writers have their favourite habits and tools, but every so often a piece of software comes along that transforms the way we work. Scrivener is one of those tools. Whether you’re still using Word to draft your manuscript, have been curious about trying Scrivener or have bought it but aren’t sure how to use it, this workshop is for you. Join Jennifer as she walks you through the basic functionality of this powerful software, demonstrating how to leverage its unique features to give you more flexibility and unleash your creativity. Plotters and pantsers alike are welcome